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Winter trail running using Kahtoola's EXOspikes as traction. Photo Credit: Kahtoola.

Different winter activities, including but not limited to, hiking, running, and even walking, require different equipment. Making sure you have the appropriate traction is an important step to staying safe outside in winter's slippery conditions.

Using proper winter traction is not just for hardcore winter outdoor enthusiasts - when your driveway is a skating rink or you’re simply trying to walk your dog, traction is necessary to avoid taking a nasty spill. Falling on ice can result in serious injuries such as broken bones and concussions if your head hits the ground.

The options can be overwhelming - luckily, I’m here to guide you in the right direction!

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On a hot day, Ellie runs along the Lake Champlain Waterfront in Burlington, Vermont. Photo: Zach Walbridge.

Exercising in the heat can create many challenges. Hydrating, food intake, proper clothing choice, and many other factors are essential to keeping you out there on a sweltering day. Many people think water is the key to a hot day...sure it is...but you NEED electrolytes or your body will suffer. It is also important to understand how to carry your fluids as well. This can carry over to not only hot days, but any training day. I am going to break it down for you to help with training, racing, and general exercise during those hot days.

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Enjoying fall foliage at the top of Worcester Mountain in Vermont. Photo: Zach Walbridge

There is nothing better than getting out and exploring new trails. These past two years have been challenging to navigate but one silver lining is more people discovering the outdoors. Hiking is easily accessible with a low cost of entry. If you have a trail near you, or a way to get to some trails....boom! You are now hiking!

There are some simple ways to increase the hiking experience and I will provide a few tips along with a couple of my favorite Vermont spots.

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Measuring a customer's feet is the first step of the run shoe fit process at Skirack. Photo Credit: Zach Walbridge.

A properly fitting running shoe influences three factors in your running and walking experience: injury reduction, comfort, and performance.

Having a shoe that is fit by a trained shoe fitter that has evaluated the way your ankle and arch moves can help determine the appropriate shoe category for your foot. The shoe category is correlated with the level of support in a shoe and is broken down into neutral, guidance, support, and motion control. Too much or too little support could potentially lead to injury or discomfort.

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Exploring Vermont via bike. Photo Credit: Zach Walbridge.

With COVID-19 concerns, winter has looked very different this year in Vermont. Since not many people are traveling and are staying home, there's been a huge uptick in people venturing outside and discovering what their backyard has to offer. Outdoor activity is a great way to get exercise, de-stress and spend time with your household. More people getting outside is great news! However, the influx is a concern because of the strain on natural resources. Services such as ski resorts and search and rescue will also be effected. With this resource guide, our goal is to provide some ideas to getting you outside in a new way, while offering other options for people to check out, in order to spread people out in any given area.

We encourage you to use this guide to find new ways of getting outside. Get educated, especially if you are going to venture into the backcountry; know before you go and share your knowledge with others. Nature is for everyone and we all share the job of making it comfortable and welcoming to others, as well as sustaining its natural habitats and beauty. As a reminder, please support the organizations (many are listed below) that maintain areas and trails in Vermont and provide educational resources.

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5 Tips for Socially Distanced Hiking. Photo Credit: Zach Walbridge.

As we get into fall hiking weather and the amount of people getting on the trail increases, it's important that we still follow the Vermont Department of Health guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We all need to play our part in maintaining a 6 foot distance from others and wearing a mask if you cannot do so - even when you are outside.

Navigating 6 feet socially distanced guidelines on a narrow trail can be a challenge, but with a little practice, patience and following these tips, I hope to help ease your anxiety and encourage you to get out. These tips can easily be applied to other activities, too such as running, biking, and winter sports, too.

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Comments | Posted in Expert Tips Running Hiking By Michelle Peters

Skirack's Ellie trail runs in Burlington, Vermont. Photo Credit: Zach Walbridge.

 One of the most common questions I get as a shoe sales associate is what are the differences between road shoes and trail shoes? The subsequent question is usually: how do I decide which shoe works best for me? Here is a general guide for how to navigate those questions and the sometimes -overwhelming selections on a shoe wall.

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Exploring Vermont via bike. Photo Credit: Zach Walbridge.

As many Vermonters opt to not travel out of state due to COVID-19 concerns, summer is looking very different this year. Instead of a big vacation, many people are choosing to spend time locally - biking, running, hiking and discovering what their backyard has to offer. Don’t worry, summer is not a bust! Vermont is a beautiful state with lots of options to get outside and explore.

Many people come through our door asking where to go, so we’ve curated an outdoor recreation guide of what to do in Vermont. Inspiring our community to pursue a lifetime of outdoor activity and environmental stewardship is our mission. We encourage you to do the same and share this guide. Nature is for everyone and we all share the job of making it comfortable and welcoming to others, as well as sustaining its natural habitats and beauty for generations to come.<

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Comments | Posted in Bicycling Expert Tips Running Hiking By Skirack

A view of Kumbhalgarh Fort (left) and a Tea Hike in Munnar (right). Photo Credit: Jon Kohn.

Last January my family and I spent 6 months living and traveling in India. My wife Abby is a South Asian Historian at the University of Vermont, was on sabbatical, sponsored by a Fulbright Scholarship. Accompanying us was my wife’s nephew Ross who would become like a big brother to our son Zachary. We lived in Mumbai where Zach attended kindergarten and Ross 10th grade at the American School. The weather in India varies by region, ranging from triple digits and humidity to snow and cold in the Himalayas. In Mumbai, the temperatures range from the 70’s to low 80’s in January progressively climbing toward the high 90’s with increasing humidity hitting 80% as the monsoons approached in mid-June.

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Comments | Posted in News Adventure Travel and Lifestyle Hiking By Jonathan Kohn

5 Tips for Hiking with Dogs

Sep 5, 2019 12:58:38 PM

Igor and friends pause for a muddy photo at Hunger Mountain in Waterbury, Vermont. Photo: Zach Walbridge.

Igor the dog came into our lives in November of 2016 at about a year old. My husband and I adopted him as a stray from a shelter in Fort Worth, Texas. He was skinny and looked even skinnier with his HUGE head. Along with his short legs, the name “Igor” was a perfect fit.

With some research and communication with the shelter on his medium energy level, we knew he was the adventure dog we were looking for. We just didn’t know how we’d get there.

Most of my friends have dogs and I’ve been on several hikes and backpacking adventures with them. I had a pretty good idea of what to expect when you hike with a dog - not only the fun and reward, but the hard work and mishaps.

But nothing could prepare us for owning our first dog together. After Igor settled in, we started working with a professional dog trainer to get us where he needed to be for obedience and off-leash recall. It took a lot of time, patience, consistency, and hard work - and worth every penny.

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Comments | Posted in News Expert Tips Hiking By Michelle Peters
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